All body cells are programmed to, at one point, suicide. However, for reasons that are not clear, sometimes not commit suicide and also start doing things for which they are not programmed: reproduce faster than normal (their "daughters" are not programmed to die neither) and alia equally undesirable.
Just born a cancer.
Another characteristic of these cells is that, in most cases, they only "eat" glucose.
Consider the importance of this fact. All cells in the body (except neurons and a few more) can be fed both glucose and fatty acids, ie, when the body does not have a sufficient amount of glucose directly feeding cells of fat, but no cancer cells.
And, what is the fundamental substance that allows cells feed on glucose? Yes, is insulin. That is, if there is no insulin, the cells (including cancer) can not use glucose for food.
Where is all this leading us? For when we have high insulin levels in the blood there is a direct feeding to cancer cells. They are well nourished and can reproduce as fast as desire.
When insulin levels rise? When we eat carbohydrates, ie, eating carbohydrates raise insulin and allow the cancer cells feed perfectly.
What is the alternative? As you can imagine, eating a diet low in carbohydrates to keep insulin as low as possible and that diet, how could it be otherwise, is the paleo diet.
Does that mean that if you eat paleo style you will not suffer cancer? No, the causes of cancer is not carbohydrate intake.
So, What is the advantage of the paleo diet about cancer? From the moment at which this diet maintains low glucose and insulin levels, the cancer cells have difficulty feeding and breeding while the rest of the body is well nourished, that makes the cancer less aggressive. With this feeding anticancer therapy is more likely to win the battle against the disease and the patient will gain what every cancer patient needs: time.
The hard one:
The medium one:
The easy one:
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